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Transfer your files to IndyLink's server:

To transfer these files is really quite easy. Between the Local System side and the Remote System side of this interface you'll see two arrows. One is pointing from the Local side to the Remote side and vice versa. To upload files, just highlight the file or directory on the Local System side that you want to copy to the Remote System side and click the arrow pointing to the right. You'll know your files or directories have been uploaded when they appear in the Remote System side somewhat like in the picture below:


Here we have uploaded the index.html file to the /public_html folder in our webspace on IndyLink's server.

To check your work, look at your website through a browser using Netscape, Mozilla or Internet Explorer at your web address and make sure everything looks as you expect.
Your web address is(example):
(The "~" symbol is usually in the upper left hand corner of your keyboard.) You may want to check your site with several browsers and versions to make sure it looks the way you want it to. There are almost always things you see from this that you'll want to change. After you make the changes on your local system, connect to IndyLink again and upload only the files that have changed and check it again.

If you need help with any definitions or functions of any buttons or procedures for this program, you can always click "Help" at the bottom center of the window and look it up there.
Thank you for choosing IndyLink!

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