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MegaSPEED Web Accelerator for Macintosh  - General Troubleshooting

1. General Issues when Using MegaSPEED Accelerator

2. Error Messages when Connecting to the MegaSPEED Service

3.  Error Messages when Using MegaSPEED Web Accelerator

4.  Error Messages when Starting MegaSPEED Web Accelerator

Section 1 - General Issues when Using MegaSPEED Web Accelerator

  1. I'm having trouble loading a site. What should I do?

    Try adding the site to MegaSPEED's Proxy Exclusion List. Click here for instructions on completing this operation.

    If this doesn't solve the problem, try adding the site to MegaSPEED's pop-up blocker Whitelist. Click here for instructions on completing this operation.


  2. After installing MegaSPEED, I received a message saying Email Acceleration is disabled. Why did that happen?

    The MegaSPEED installer has detected software that may conflict with MegaSPEED Email Acceleration.

    It was determined that the safest way to proceed was to not install the MegaSPEED Email Acceleration.


Section 2 - Error Messages when Connecting to the MegaSPEED Service

  1. MegaSPEED Web Accelerator cannot be started due to an internal error ...

    Try restarting MegaSPEED Web Accelerator by exiting the program and then relaunching it.


  2. MegaSPEED Web Accelerator cannot connect to the MegaSPEED Service...

    Here is a step-by-step list of things you should verify:

    1. Check that you have successfully connected to your ISP in your usual manner (e.g. Did your dial-up connection successfully connect to your ISP?). This step is independent of whether or not you launch MegaSPEED Web Accelerator.

    2. Ensure that the ISP you are connected to is, in fact, the one that supplied you with the MegaSPEED Web Accelerator software and connection information. In most cases, you cannot connect to another ISP and use the same MegaSPEED Web Accelerator connection settings.

    3. Verify that the Connection information located in the Settings dialog is the same as that provided to you by your ISP.

    4. If you are running firewall software, make sure that a firewall rule is present that allows access to the Remote Server Port (located in the Advanced Connection Settings dialog)

    5. Try uninstalling MegaSPEED Web Accelerator and then re-install it.

    Now try restarting MegaSPEED Web Accelerator by exiting the program and then relaunching it.


  3. The MegaSPEED Service does not allow connections from your current IP address...

    The most likely reason you would receive this error is when you connect to the Internet using a different service provider from the one providing you with MegaSPEED Service.  Since we allow this through the entire Internet, you should never receive this error message.  If you do, please contact us immediately.


  4. Your username and/or password were not accepted by the MegaSPEED Service...

    Sometimes, this is the error that you get when MegaSPEED just hasn't connected. Check the Connection Troubleshooting Page. The username and password are pulled from the active dial up connection.  We require you to enter a valid username and password to use the MegaSPEED Service.


  5. The MegaSPEED Service could not be started due to an authentication timeout ...

    Ensure that the authentication information provided to you by us has been keyed in correctly.

    Try reconnecting to the Internet.


  6. The MegaSPEED Service indicated that it has insufficient resources to handle your connection...

    Try reconnecting to the Internet.


Section 3 - Error Messages when Using MegaSPEED Web Accelerator

  1. A response was not received from the server within a reasonable period of time...

    Try restarting MegaSPEED Web Accelerator


  2. MegaSPEED Web Accelerator has stopped because the connection to the remote host has been closed.

    Try restarting MegaSPEED Web Accelerator


Section 4 -  Error Messages when Starting MegaSPEED Web Accelerator

  1. MegaSPEED Web Accelerator could not be started due to an installation or configuration problem...

    A file or resource required by MegaSPEED Web Accelerator may have been deleted. Fully uninstall and then re-install MegaSPEED Web Accelerator.
