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MegaSPEED Web Accelerator for Macintosh  - Detailed Installation

MegaSpeed Mac OS 10.2 and above - download


  1. After downloading MegaSPEED.dmg, locate the file on your computer. In most situations the downloaded file will be on your desktop:

  2. Double click on the MegaSPEED.dmg icon, this will create and open a volume named MegaSPEED Web Accelerator on your desktop:

  3. Double click on the MegaSPEED Web Accelerator.pkg icon located in the newly created volume:

  4. Follow the on screen instructions to complete the installation of the MegaSPEED Web Accelerator. Please note if you are not logged in with administrative access, the installer will prompt you for the administrator username and password. You must supply this to continue with the installation.

  5. After following all on screen instructions, the installation program will inform you the software was installed. Click on Close in the lower right corner. After closing the installation program you may begin using the MegaSPEED Web Accelerator.

  6. The MegaSPEED Web Accelerator
  7. will automatically start after installation. If you are not logged in with administrative access, it will prompt you for the administrator username and password. You must supply this so the program can make required modifications to your network settings.

Launching MegaSPEED Web Accelerator

To launch the MegaSPEED Web Accelerator, locate the application icon in the dock at the bottom or in your Applications directory. You can typically access the Applications directory by clicking the finder icon in your Dock, select your Hard Drive, and then select the Applications folder. After locating the MegaSPEED Web Accelerator icon, it is recommended that you drag and drop that icon into the Dock. This will allow you to easily access this program in the future.
